About the Project

The Ontario Ministry of Transportation (MTO) has retained AECOM Canada Ltd. (AECOM) to undertake a Preliminary Design and Class Environmental Assessment Study for improvements to Highway 401 from  Steeles Avenue in Milton westerly to 1.5 km west of the Halton-Wellington Boundary. The Project is located within the Town of Milton, Halton Region and the Township of Puslinch, The County of Wellington. The Project’s Study Area is shown in the key map.

This Study includes the consideration of potential improvements along the Highway 401 corridor to address both existing and long-term transportation and operational needs within the Study Area. Possible improvements that will be investigated as part of this Study include additional capacity expansion, High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) lanes, and bridge, illumination, drainage, and interchange modifications.

The details of the proposed work will be further developed as the Preliminary Design progresses and will be presented to the public and agencies at future Public Information Centres.


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Adjacent Projects and Studies

There are several ongoing projects initiated by Ministry of Transportation addressing the existing and future needs of the Highway 401 corridor including:

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Highway 401 Expansion – Mississauga and Milton

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Highway 6 (Hanlon Expressway) and Highway 401 Improvements

The Project Team will actively consult and coordinate with the municipalities and regions within the study area to discuss nearby, approved, ongoing, and future studies, and projects.