Class Environmental Assessment Process

This Project will follow the approved planning process for a Group ‘B’ project under the Ontario Ministry of Transportation Class Environmental Assessment for Provincial Transportation Facilities (amended 2000). Alternatives will be generated and evaluated based on technical and environmental factors and in consultation with Indigenous Communities, the public, stakeholders, municipalities and government agencies. Public Information Centres will be held during this Study to provide interested parties with the opportunity to discuss the Study and provide input to the Project Team.
A Transportation Environmental Study Report will be prepared to outline the environmental assessment process, consultation, impacts, mitigation measures, and preliminary design details. Upon completion of this Study, the Transportation Environmental Study Report will be placed on the public record for a comment period.
At any time during the Study, interested persons can provide input to the Project Team including comments and information regarding the Study. Comments are being collected to assist Ministry of Transportation with the preliminary design and to meet the requirements of the Ontario Environmental Assessment Act. This material will be maintained on file for use during the Study and may be included in project documentation. Information collected will be used in accordance with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. With the exception of personal information, all comments will become part of the public record.
Ontario Environmental Assessment Act – Ministry of Transportation Class Environmental Assessment Process
The purpose of the Ontario Environmental Assessment Act is to help protect and conserve Ontario's environment by ensuring that projects subject to Environmental Assessment Act follow a planning process leading to environmentally sound decision-making.
The Ontario Ministry of Transportation’s Class Environmental Assessment for Provincial Transportation Facilities (amended 2000) outlines the Environmental Assessment process to be followed for specific groups of provincial transportation projects. The Class Environmental Assessment is approved under the Act and provides a streamlined process, which projects or activities within a defined “class” must follow. Provided that this process is followed, projects and activities included under the Class Environmental Assessment do not require formal review and approval under the Ontario Environmental Assessment Act.
Project groupings within the Class Environmental Assessment have been established as follows:
- Group “A” – Projects involving new facilities
- Group “B” – Projects involving major improvements to existing facilities
- Group “C” – Projects involving minor improvements to existing facilities
- Group “D” – Activities that involve operation, maintenance, administration and miscellaneous work for provincial transportation facilities
For projects subject to the Class Environmental Assessment, an environmental assessment involves identifying and planning for environmental impacts and effects prior to implementing a project.
Other aspects of the environmental assessment process applicable to these project types are contained in the Class Environmental Assessment for Provincial Transportation Facilities (amended 2000).
Ontario Environmental Assessment Act – Ministry of Transportation Class Environmental Assessment Process
Study schedule of anticipated key milestone dates:
Notice of Study Commencement:
November 2023
Public Information Centre #1:
Winter 2025
Public Information Centre #2:
Winter 2026
Transportation Environmental Study Report:
Summer 2026
Note: The Study schedule is subject to change and will be updated throughout the Project