

Meaningful public and stakeholder consultation is a crucial step in shaping the outcome of the Study. The Project Team has developed a consultation program that will:

  • Provide stakeholders with access to study information.
  • Invite stakeholders to provide input and participate in the Project in meaningful ways.
  • Promote a cooperative and productive consultation environment that recognizes the value of dialogue and that everyone may not agree with every decision.

The consultation program will be ongoing during the Preliminary Design and Class Environmental Assessment Study and will include, but not be limited to, meetings with municipal staff and Council as required, emergency service providers, regulatory agencies, transit operators, Indigenous Communities and directly impacted members of the public.

Two online Public Information Centres will be scheduled during this Study to provide interested individuals with the opportunity to learn more about the study process, design alternatives and environmental mitigation and protection strategies as well as provide feedback directly to the Project Team.

The final notification for this Study will be to advise of the filing of the Transportation Environmental Study Report for the public comment period. The Transportation Environmental Study Report will summarize and document the process completed and provide additional opportunity for interested persons to provide feedback.

All notices will be published in the following local newspapers and/or websites:

  • Inside Halton
  • Wellington Advertiser

The notices will also be posted on this website and sent directly to all contacts on the study contact list. Members of the Project Team are available throughout the Study to provide information and receive feedback. This dialogue is key to meeting the Study principles of transparency, openness, traceability, timeliness and accountability. You can contact a member of the Project Team through the “Contact Us” section of the website.

Comments are being collected to assist the Ministry of Transportation with the preliminary design and to meet the requirements of the Ontario Environmental Assessment Act. This material will be maintained on file for use during the project and may be included in project documentation. Information collected will be used in accordance with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. With the exception of personal information, all comments will become part of the public record. If you have any accessibility requirements in order to participate in this project, please contact one of the Project Team members listed in the Contact Us section of this website.

All input will be incorporated into the Study findings and recommendations as appropriate.


Consultation with municipalities, regulatory agencies, Indigenous Communities, and other interest groups will be undertaken during this Study and will focus on data collection, preliminary design details, assessment and evaluation of alternatives, assessment of impacts, and the development of mitigation measures to avoid or reduce potential impacts.